Trusted by top banks

The City Bank Limited

TradeLINK manages the LC confirmation lines properly as well as generates proper MIS.

Features & Functionalities

  • Business (Relationship Manager/Branch/Trade Service Department) will be able to send their confirmation requirement through web.
  • Records the request of items and follow-up of its execution.
  • Search correspondent bank and send email for confirmation rate through system.
  • Correspondent bank confirmation rate entry and auto comparison of rate.
  • Inform customer correspondent bank and confirmation rate by email through system.
  • Issuance of LC.
  • Adding of confirmation in the LC.
  • Bill entry, tracks and records the pricing of confirmation and financing with maturity date of payment.
  • Auto calculation of customer charges, correspondent bank charges and spread income based on various basis.
  • Bill payment.
  • LC amendment.
  • Multi currency.
  • Auto reminder on LC expiry, bill entry and bill payment.
  • Extensive reports.


The City Bank Limited