BMS - Bond Management System
Revolutionizing the way of managing sanchayapatras and bonds by leveraging the latest in web based technologies
Bond Management System, BMS, is a complete web based solution to manage all the schedule activities from issuance to maturity of local currency sanchayapatras and foreign currency bonds. System features include auto generation of almost all transactions. It covers customer database, stock, sales, commission, paritoshik, interest, encashment, auto reinvestment, lien, auto coupon encashment, death risk benefit, accounting, purchase and tax certificates, Bangladesh Bank statements and reports, different MIS, dashboard, etc.
- Support multiple zones, stock and branches.
- Covers all the prevailing sanchayapatras and bonds and have the competence to create new products.
- Comply all government rules and regulations of sanchayapatras and bonds.
- Built-in tools to accommodate any changes.
- Application security comply Bangladesh Bank ICT guidelines.
- Ability to integrate with core banking software.
- Built-in data migration tools.
Benefits of Using BMS
- Gain customer satisfaction by reducing Mean Time to Serve (MTTS).
- Stock transfer facility among branches.
- Payment forecasting for future cash outflow.
- Accommodate the reconciliation of any payment advice of Bangladesh Bank.
- Revenue generation by Auto Coupon Encashment Service (ACES).
- Script and interest token printing facility.
- Save man-hour and operational cost.
Web Based Application
BMS, the complete web based solution ensures maintaining and updating the system much simpler as it could all be done on the server.
BMS covers all the local currency sanchayapatras and foreign currency bonds prevailing in the market:
- 5 years Bangladesh sanchayapatra
- 3 months interest based sanchayapatra
- Pensioners sanchayapatra
- Paribar sanchayapatra
- Protiraskha sanchayapatra
- Wage Earners Development Bond
- US Dollar Investment Bond
- US Dollar Premier Bond
TAX Rate
Government changes TAX rate from time to time. BMS has the flexibility to maintain product specific TAX rate with history to properly calculate TAX at the time of payment.
Interest- Commission- Paritoshik Rate
Sanchayapatra and bond's interest, commission and paritoshik rates are changing from time to time. BMS has the flexibility to maintain these rates with history. The flexible feature of interest rate maintenance helps properly calculating interest issued during the tenor slab.
Purchase Limit
BMS can monitor local currency sanchayapatras' purchase limit at the time of issuance. Option is also available to update purchase limit as per government's circular.
From requisition to receive, BMS automates the entire process of script's inventory. Besides zone, branch wise inventory can be managed. Entry for adjustment is available for any type of pre-sale and post-sale dispute.
Sale or issuance contains product information, customer and nominee details and guardian details for minor customer. System has the flexibility to generate various sale entry forms for different type of sanchayapatras and bonds. System automatically issues scripts from available stock. Option is available to archive scanned copy of Application Form, Scripts, National Id, Passport, etc.
Script Printing
All types of script and interest tokens are printable by BMS.
Duplicate Script Issue
If scripts are lost, stolen or destroyed, the purchaser is entitled for duplicate scripts. Issuance of duplicate scripts is entirely manageable by BMS.
Payment for interest, encashment and premature encashment are easier than ever by BMS. System can track payment and provide massage for any early payment. It can also adjust the paid interest for early encashment.
Auto Coupon Encashment
BMS has the feature of liquidating periodic interest automatically. Customer surrenders coupons to bank and BMS do the rest to make the payment to customer account automatically at maturity. Bank can generate revenue by introducing this Auto Coupon Encashment service.
Functionality of lien marking for foreign currency bonds is available in BMS.
No need to worry about the schedule of auto reinvestment. System will provide prompt message and functionality of reinvestment can be done automatically.
BMS can generate zone wise all statements as per Bangladesh Bank format, even if different zones have different formats of statements. Sale, commission, paritoshik, payment statements for interest/coupon, encashment and premature encashment can be generated in a single click.
Death Risk Benefit
Purchaser will be provided with death-risk benefit for purchase of a certain amount of foreign currency bond. BMS has the feature to manage death-risk benefit functionalities.
Integration with CBS
By default, BMS can generate transaction processing file of entries that can be uploaded in the core software. Besides this system has flexibility to directly integrate with any core software by web services.
General ledger transactions can be generated from each transaction posted to the system and ensures cross reference type of transaction with the appropriate debit and credit accounts.
Besides creating profile for user option is available to set privilege. Roles, a way of assigning specific permissions to a group, allow fine-tuning the security and administration of BMS. Users access only the data and functions they are permitted to.
Dashboard, MIS and Certificate
Besides all the regulatory reports, BMS has a number of dashboards and various MIS. Purchase, tax and encashment certificates can be generated easily by BMS.
Service Request Management and Tracking
Tracking module of BMS is for modeling and configuring requests processes using a visual interface. Branch can send various requests (such as new sell, interest payment, encashment, etc.) to head office. Status of individual request can be monitored.