A robust and user-friendly application that makes it possible for bank and other financial institutions to meet Bangladesh Bank Enterprise Data Warehouse requirements
BBDAWAR Tool is a web based application to automate the submission of information to Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) of Bangladesh Bank (BB). It also standardizes definitions used throughout the bank and reduces redundancies in information submission.
Web Based Application
Complete web based solution ensures maintaining and updating the system much simpler as it could all be done on the server.
A Complete CMS
Easily adopt Bangladesh Bank new/upcoming requirements as the application is a complete Content Management System (CMS). Once set up, it’s much more likely to add more templates or edit the existing templates because it's now so much easier. The result is a much more robust application with more control.
Reference Data Upload
Imports reference data provided by Bangladesh Bank. Supports both full and incremental load to ensure the highest level of performance. Incremental load captures only the relevant source data changes that have happened since the last load. By default the following reference file are uploaded to the system:
- Account Size Range
- Advance Range Code
- Aging Range
- AID Type
- Banking Class
- Bill Type
- Collateral
- Commodity
- Country
- Currency
- Deposit Range Code
- Economic Purpose
- Economic Sector
- FI (Financial Institute) Branches
- FI (Financial Institute)
- Frequency Indicator
- Geographic
- Industry Scale
- Loan Classification
- Mode of Repayment
- Product
- Schedule Code
- Security
- SME Type
Mapping of Reference Data
Template wise reference data mapping option is available. For example, Product reference file has 428 product codes, but the Product column of the template T_PS_M_EXPOSURE only take 90 product codes as valid data. This mapping and also the validation can be easily done.
Template Creation & Setup
By default cover all the templates of EDW of Bangladesh Bank. Also have the option to create new templates as per the need. At the same there will also be option to update the setup of the existing templates. Functions include:
- Addition/Subtraction of Input Field (Column)
- Rename Input Field Caption
- Maintaining the Data Type of the Input Field
- Load Reference File to Input Field
- Define Default Value for Input Field
- Define Mandatory and Unique Input Fields
- Set the Sort Order of Input Fields
- Set the Minimum and Maximum Data Length of the Input Field
- Set the Filtering Input Fields to Generate Reports
- Maintain Import File Indexing and Mapping
Data Entry
Data entry form is the common use case in BBDAWAR Tool. It displays a data entry form for each template and collects user input. If entered data is correct as per the template setup, application accepts it and displays a success message. Otherwise, application redisplays the data entry form along with relevant errors, the user fixes the errors and submits the form again.
Import Data
Imports data from any existing system. Consider the case, a certain template provided by Central Bank may have 10 columns, and an existing application may generate 6 columns out of those 10 columns. BBDAWAR Tool has the option to edit these data to entry the rest 4 columns data. But there is a restriction to edit imported columns data. There is also option to manage mapping of data at the time of import.
Legacy Data
Legacy data is data that the system already has and use. Most often, this takes the form of records in an existing database on a system in current use. BBDAWAR Tool can help leverage the legacy data in a variety of ways. Because BBDAWAR Tool stores all of its management tables, workflow tables, and user-level attribute tables in an underlying database.
Dual Control of Data
The basic concept in BBDAWAR Tool is "Dual Control". This means each data entry operates on a "Maker-Checker" concept. One person makes the data entry into BBDAWAR Tool and his supervisor checks the same. But the system has the feature to enable/disable this dual control template wise.
CSV File Generation
Based on the entered and imported data the system is capable to generate the CSV as per Bangladesh Bank requirements. Besides CSV file also have the option to generate the report in PDF, EXCEL format.
Template Lock and Un-Lock
Report frequency wise template can be locked and unlocked to ensure data entry in due time.
User Management
The system has an extensive user module. Besides create/edit/delete users there will be option to set user privilege.